Saga of King Hrolf Kraki
and Beowulf
The Anglo-Saxons were well aware that their own ancestry derived,
at least in part, from the Danes. It is therefore not surprising
that the earliest accounts of the characters in Hrolf's Saga
come from Anglo-Saxon England, where writing in Roman letters had
been adopted in the seventh century, several centuries earlier than
in Scandinavia. For the Anglo-Saxons, the kings of Norse legend
represented the heroic era of their own history. This trans-North-Sea
connection is made especially clear in the poem Widsith,
written perhaps as early as the seventh century though it may be
later. Widsith is shaped to resemble the song of a wandering
Anglo-Saxon bard, unfolding his knowledge of the Germanic heroic
age. The poet tells of Hrothgar (Hroar) and Hrothulf (Hrolf) and,
in agreement with the genealogy of Hrolf's Saga,
calls them uncle and nephew. According to the poem, these chieftains
ruled for many years in peace at Heorot, overcoming their foes.
Both Hrothulf/Hrolf and Hrothgar/Hroar
also appear in Beowulf, and a comparison shows some differences
between the Old English and Icelandic stories. In Hrolf's Saga
Hroar is a notable figure, though a secondary one, ruling over the
northern English kingdom of Northumberland until forced into a disastrous
conflict. In Beowulf, King Hrothgar is a character of central
importance. He is the builder of the magnificent hall Heorot, the
object of the monster Grendel's depredations. Moreover, Hrothgar,
as in Widsith, is king of the Danes. The poet of Beowulf
hints darkly, however, that there will be strife among the kinsmen:
"their peace still held, each one to the other was true." When Hrothgar's
wife, having no real choice, commends her sons to her nephew Hrothulf,
she fears that he will do them harm. Although the stories are somewhat
different, the theme of betrayal and danger in the uncle-nephew
relationship exists in both the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian stories.
Other figures in Hrolf's Saga also appear in Beowulf,
attesting to the extent of the common legendary tradition. Halga
(the Old English equivalent of Helgi) is noted in Beowulf
as a son of Healfdeane and the brother of Hrothgar. These relationships
agree with the saga, where King Halfdan is Helgi's father and Hroar
is his brother. But it is the central character of the Anglo Saxon
text, the young champion Beowulf, who, in his similarity to the
Old Norse champion Bodvar Bjarki, offers the most intriguing agreement
between the Old English poem and the saga.