of the Reconstructed
Great Hall at Lejre
led by the Danish archaeologist Tom Christensen uncovered the remains
of two halls built successively on the same spot. These huge buildings,
one from the mid seventh-century Migration Period, the other from
the ninth-century Viking Age, stood at the center of a settlement.
Pictured above is a reconstruction of the interior of the Viking
Age hall. On both sides against the walls are tiered side benches
where people sat and slept at assigned places. At meal times, tables
were placed before the benches. In the center of the floor are stones
for the fire. The unusually high ceiling allowed smoke to rise and
escape through ports at each end of the roof. The steeply pitched
roof was supported by two interior rows of massive timbers or 'posts,'
whose size may be judged by comparison with the man at center right
and the door at the far end.
to illustrations
- Great Hall at Lejre (interior)
- Great Hall at Lejre (exterior)
- Great Hall at Lejre (end-view)
- Cross-section of the Viking Age hall
- Archeological plan of the two Great Halls